Showing posts with label Short Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Short Story. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Uncertain Journey (First Draft,)

A fine day, which was one of days of first week of Ashoj for sure; because as I remember, a grandma from our neighbourhood was excited when she said to me, “Your uncle will come this weekend bringing necessities for Dashain.” I was not interested in deciding why her wrinkled and never smiling face was saturated with brightness, may be first time in her lifetime, was seen whether because of onset of Dashain or returning of her only son to home from Kathmandu after long time. Instead, I was returned to her after diving into the memory of past Dashain, specially of playing with a short gun uncle has brought for me from Kathmandu. When grandma talked of uncle’s arrival, I was happy and curious about what uncle would brought for me that time.
Few days from then passed in excitement by staring at the people going up and down from the main walking street nearby our home. The number of people were increasing as Dashain was coming near and near. People from Northern parts used to go all way down to the highway to do shopping and buy other necessities needed to celebrate Dashain. Even they used to walk in the night time passing nearby our house. My dad was irritated because they used to be clamorous all night which disturbed our sleep. However, all other movements of the onset of Dashain was worth remembering: sunny days, people returning to village to celebrate Dashain with family and relatives, villagers welcoming their greatest festival etc. The whole village was flourished with amusement brought by festive season.
But me and my big brother were spreading some smiles as there was a rare and special week added to my school calendar before Dashain which hangs on opposite wall of our bed. And that was the week which was going to erase a main point from my mom’s to-do list. And that was my mom’s special and haunting dream. And that was to reach to the country beyond the Mountains i.e. Mustang. In fact, my mom used to have altercation with my dad at least once a week about making that wish come true. And finally, my dad had promised mom to take her there a week before Dashain few months back. Her excitement and enthusiasm was limitless because that week was beginning from tomorrow.
Though we kids didn’t notice anything about getting ready for that super journey, everything was all set in early morning. All we did unconsciously was put newest jacket and sat in the middle seat of a jeep with dad. As we were in the process of awaking from sleep of night, we were surprised to find ourselves inside the jeep heading towards Mustang, mom seated in first seat in front of us and a silent discouraged old driver encouraging jeep to move forward through a narrow rough road which joins with BP highway after stretching about 11 km.
After passing some buildings, trees and poles standing by the road, we disturbed driver to brake the jeep to have a better view of that new sunshine of cool morning which is still illuminating in my mind.
After a minute, jeep started to slide slowly on the road as driver restarted the engine. Though I couldn’t remember the conversation we had on the way, I know we were discussing about some unimportant matters with each other. I was not familiar with all the places we passed by but I was sure we were travelling through BP highway.