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Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Friday, August 25, 2017

अालाेचना नगराैं, स्वस्थ जीवन जीअाैं

(पढ्नुहाेस् र मनपरे शेयर गर्नुहाेस्)
अालाेचना नगराैं, स्वस्थ जीवन जीअाैं
मानिसले गर्ने सबैभन्दा नीच काम भनेको अर्को मानिसको आलोचना गर्नु हो । आलोचना नगरी बस्न सकिन्न भन्ने कुरा पनि मष्तिष्कमा आउन सक्छ तर यो नराम्रो बानी हो र यसलाई एक विद्ध्वान, शिक्षित, बुझ्ने व्यक्तिले आफुमाथि गर्व गर्नु अगाडी सबैभन्दा पहिले कुनैपनि हालतमा हटाउनु पर्छ, हटाउन सकिन्छ पनि । त्यसको लागि आफूले आलोचना गर्ने मान्छेको परिस्थिति बुझ्न जरुरी छ । कोही मान्छे नराम्रो छ भने ऊ नराम्रो हुनुको पछाडी कारण छ, त्यो कारण बुझ्न सकिएमा त्यो मान्छे नराम्रो लाग्दैन । तर जब त्यो कारण हामीलाई थाहा हुंदैन आलोचना त हजारौं उम्रीहाल्छ मनमा । तर त्यो पोख्नुभन्दा पहिले सोच्नु जरूरी छ । मानिस सबै जीन्दगीको दौडधुपमा छन्, म जस्तै, तिमी जस्तै । दौडधुपको क्रममा जस्तोसुकै संयोग आईपर्न सक्छ ।
संयोग राम्रो भयो भने नसोचेको ठाउंमा नसोचेको घनीष्ट साथी भेट हुन्छ खुसी हुन्छौं अंगाल्छौं, मरीसकेको मान्छे बांच्छ खूसीको आंसु बगाउंछौं, एकाएक चिट्ठा पर्छ हिजोको मगन्ते रातारात करोडपति बन्छ जीन्दगी बदलिन्छ । यी संयोग बांचीरहेका मानिस जोसुकैको जीवनमा आउन सक्छ । तर नराम्रा संयोग पनि आईपर्न सक्छ, त्यसको भागीदार पनि हुनैपर्छ हामी । यो संयोग हो भनेर बुझ्न सके मात्रै पनि जीन्दगीलाई भिन्न आंखाबाट हेरेर हरेक परिस्थितिमा शिक्षित ढंगले प्रतिक्रिया दिन सकिन्छ । तर नराम्रो संयोगमा हामी देख्न सक्छौं, कोही आलोचित हुन्छन् कोहि आलोचना गर्छन्, यो स्वभाविक हो । तर हामी किन अरूको आलोचना गरेर आफ्नो बिद्यालय वा क्याम्पसले दिएको सर्टीफीकेटको बदर गरेर भीडको सामु आफुलाई असभ्य, अशिक्षित साबित गर्नुपर्यो र ! यसको बारेमा सोच्न जरुरी छ । आफ्नै सुरमा हिंडिरहेको बेला हो, एउटा कार आएर हिलो छ्यापेर दौडिन सक्छ, जस्तोसुकै मान्छे पनि पेट्राेल नै छ्यापेजस्ताे बल्न थाल्छ, कोही आन्द्रा निचोरेर दिमागमा भएजति सबै नराम्रा शब्दहरु त्यहीं सडकमा खन्याएर जान्छन्, कोही मनमनै त्यो कारको नराम्रो चिताएर तपस्या गर्न थाल्छन् कसैले त अझ आफैंलाई धिक्कारेर सराप्न समेत भ्याउंछन्, कसैको मनमा त बदलाको भावनाले पनि आफैंबिरुद्द आन्दोलन गरिरहन्छ । तर यी सब कुराले नै मान्छेलाई अश्वस्त बनाऊंछ र कुनै न कुनै तवरले अप्रत्यक्ष रुपमा आयु घटाईरहेको हुन्छ । यो के हो आखिर ? यो सानो दोहोरिरहने नराम्रो संयोगको उदाहरण मात्रै हो । यसलाई बुझेर यस्ता घटना आईपर्दा सामान्य प्रतिक्रिया दिन सकिन्छ । कारको ड्राईभरलाई सराप्नु अगाडी उसको ठाउंमा बसेर सोच्ने गरौं न ।
कारमा कोही अकालसंग लडीरहेको पनि हुनसक्छ, ड्राईभरलाई मालिकले बिहानै उसको समस्या नबुझिदिएर बेकार गाली गरेको भएर उ रिसले चुर भएको पनि हुनसक्छ, उसको परिवारमा कुनै दुर्घटना भएरै पो दोडाएको थियो कि यस्तै उस्को जीवनमा नराम्रो दिन भएको हुनसक्छ, त्यो नभएपनि त शायद उसले अगाडी ट्राफिकलाई ध्यान दिंदा हिलो नदेखेको हुन सक्छ अथवा मान्छेलाई नदेखेको पो हो की मजाको लागि अर्कालाई हिलो त नछ्याप्नुपर्ने हो । हुन त कहिलेकाहीं हामी पनि जानीजानी हेपेर, वा मनोरन्जनका लागि अरुलाई हिलो छ्याप्छौं, त्यसको बदलामा हामी नराम्ररी सरापिन्छौं हामीले ख्याल नगरेका पनि हुन सक्छौं । जब हामीलाई थाहा हुंदैन हामीलाई कुनै प्रभाब पर्दैन भने अरूले नसुन्ने गरेर सराप्नु त महामूर्खता हो हाम्रो । त्यसैले आलोचनाले हामीलाई कुनैपनि तवरले फाईदा गर्दैन, त्यै माथि जस्तोसुकै परिस्थितिलाई बुझ्न सकेमा आलोचना गर्ने मानसिकता नै कहां आउंछ र ! हामी त्यो ड्राईभरको ठाउंमा र त्यो ड्राईभर हाम्रो ठाउंमा भएको भएपनि हिलो छ्यापिन्थ्यो ऊ नबुझेर रिसले मुर्मुरिएर गाली गर्थ्यो तर भाग्य भनुं त्यो भैदिएन र रिसलाई जन्माउने या नजन्माउने हाम्रो बशमा भैदियो । हामीले मौका पायौं आफूलाई चेतनशील प्राणीको संज्ञा दिने । यसकाे बारेमा साेचाैं न ।
(पढ्नुहाेस् र मनपरे शेयर गर्नुहाेस्)
अालाेचना नगराैं, स्वस्थ जीवन जीअाैं

Sunday, July 30, 2017

People I met on internet

Whenever I've free time, I love searching for people. I love to meet public people on the internet. I've subscribed channels of many online couches, trainers, influential writers, movement actors and so on and on. That is why my email is filled with new newsletters, videos, eBooks, and other reading materials on a daily basis. 
Here is a list of people whom I met myself on the internet and whose life has motivated, inspired and influenced my life a lot. They have made a deep impression in my mind that I will not forget their name in my life.
1. Brendon Burchard:
Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard is the world’s leading high performance coach, the most requested motivational speaker of his generation, and one of the most-watched, quoted and followed personal development trainers in history. He is also in the Top 100 Most Followed Public Figures on Facebook, with over 10 million fans across his pages, and the star of the web’s most shared personal development videos (now over 100 million views).
2. Adam Braun: 
Adam Braun

Adam Braun is a New York Times bestselling author and the Founder & CEO of MissionU. He was previously Founder & CEO of Pencils of Promise, the award-winning organization that has built nearly 400 schools around the world.
He has been featured as a speaker at The White House, the United Nations and the Clinton Global Initiative. He has also been named to Business Insider’s 40 Under 40, Wired Magazine‘s 50 People Who Are Changing the Worldand was selected as one of the World Economic Forum’s original ten Global Shapers.
3. Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Dr. Shefali is a world-renowned clinical psychologist who received her doctorate from Columbia University, New York.
She specializes in the integration of Eastern philosophy and Western psychology, making her an expert in her field. Her message has the potential to change people’s lives for generations to come.
You can schedule a private session to see her in her NYC office or schedule a coaching session on SKYPE/phone.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Do we have a choice to be happy or not? - Quora

We have a choice. But we must be positive. We have to have broad understanding and high thinking along with simple living.

And most importantly, we must not be affected by any earthly happenings that is natural.

Just we must posses that level of emotional mastery and philosophical thought that can help us deal with any kind of sad moment in life.

Happiness depends upon our thinking. I am happy because I know the ultimate destination of life very well. I have no anger, no enmity, no jealousy, no mimicry. Because I know that has nothing to do in my life and after my life.

Everybody wanta to be important, popular, differet, talented, succedded…and so on and on.

And if they can not achieve their dreams or become the person they want, they become unhappy. But they never become happy because of what they can accomplish or be. And it’s what I think neccesary. We have to have that level of vision or understanding that all these popularity, prosperity all go in vanity after all.

Even the people who topped the world in the history are no more in existence. They can not feel anything for succedding in their lives anymore. And what? We will also reach there one day. And we have to have the perception of that level right now. That does not mean we have to stay dead from now on. I think our life must have influence. And we just have to live happily trying to make others happy.

How can I be happy all days? -Quora

Question by Quora
Answer by Lawong 

Happiness is something that depends upon from where you look at yourself, the people around you and the world as a whole rather than depending upon where you are standing.

It means happiness is the product of your thinking. First and foremost, we must think of being happy Your perception about things determines your own happiness.

My simple suggestion for you to be happy is just get out of that narrow room from where you are viewing everything. You have to have that much broad perception about things.

Another point is we must be positive. Anger, hatred, jealosy, mimicry make us negative and that never allow us to generate spiritual happiness within us.

As Dr. Shefali Tsabery said, we must perceive things as happening for us not happening to us.

Another thing for happiness is that we must understand that life is collection of short term things i.e. all these adversities, sorrows, griefs are temporary.