Monday, July 24, 2017

How can I be happy all days? -Quora

Question by Quora
Answer by Lawong 

Happiness is something that depends upon from where you look at yourself, the people around you and the world as a whole rather than depending upon where you are standing.

It means happiness is the product of your thinking. First and foremost, we must think of being happy Your perception about things determines your own happiness.

My simple suggestion for you to be happy is just get out of that narrow room from where you are viewing everything. You have to have that much broad perception about things.

Another point is we must be positive. Anger, hatred, jealosy, mimicry make us negative and that never allow us to generate spiritual happiness within us.

As Dr. Shefali Tsabery said, we must perceive things as happening for us not happening to us.

Another thing for happiness is that we must understand that life is collection of short term things i.e. all these adversities, sorrows, griefs are temporary.