Showing posts with label Free Writings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Writings. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2018

You are like air

You are like air; I can't see you but you make me alive.
You are one with whom I can become outspoken speaking about every tiny stupid things through eyes. 🤣🤣🤣
You make me smile before falling asleep in the night and before waking up in the morning because you come to my heart and mind to remind me of your presence in some corner of this earth.
You have been providing total peace to nurture my soul that make me feel happy and prosperous.
You have been making me comfortable in this wicked world, but I think you are not sharing most of things with me.
It's okay not to share if you feel comfortable when not sharing. But it's sad when I know you are being like a fan: hot and burning inside and not stopping to supply cold air to me. I can't bear it when you are in problem allowing me to live in comfort.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

सम्भावना देखियाे

दाेस्ताना अब एेतिहासिक बन्याे धेरै पुरानाे भयाे
बेला माैसम लाग्छ याे समय नै बेमाैसमी वैलियाे
उत्साही तटमा सबै मनमनै बग्दै थियाैँ छाल झैँ
एकाएक अथाह भै बदलियाे अाकाश तत्काल नै ।१।

चिन्तामा किन माैन छाैँ सबजना काेही नमर्दा पनि
भावातीत यहाँ नवीन घटना केही नघट्दा पनि
मायाकाे अनुमान मात्र गरियाे अाधार पाएँ जब
साेच्थेँ सुन्दर जिन्दगी हरघडी बाँच्नेछु साथीसँग ।२।

बाेल्दा सुध्रिन सक्छ हालत दशा सारा समस्याहरू
बढ्ता बिग्रिन सक्छ माैन रहँदा सम्बन्ध बाँकी बरु
के चल्दैछ दिमागमा मनुजकाे बुझ्नै नसक्ने भयाे
के गर्थेँ जब साथमा नरहने सम्भावना देखियाे ? ।३।

एेना बाेल्छ खिस्याउने नजरले एक्लै नबाेल्दा पनि
खै तेराे सब मित्रता मरिगयाे हाँस्दैछ यस्ताे भनी ।३।

अाफ्नै मानिस हाैँ सबै भन कता कस्ले सुनायाे कुरा

मैले बुझ्न नस गल्ती गरेकाे भए
माफी मलार्इ दिनु
बाँच्ने जुक्ति कुनै नयाँ मगजमा  अाएन जस्तै गरी
झर्नामा बहने प्रशस्त जल झैँ झर्छन् विनाकारण
मेराे सामु यताउता नगर है त्याे शब्द उच्चारण
शैलीमा बाँच्दै कुनै यादमा

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Restless Thursday Evening

Feeling totally restless today. The reason may be that I am alone in my room today with a laptop and a smart phone. I spent whole hour from 8 pm to 9 pm trying to compose few stanzas of a poem. It was being a part of my daily routine anyway. After 9 pm, I played 8 ball pool restlessly for few minutes and now I am free. I do not prefer to stay online and chat with some best friends like I used to do. That does not sound good for me nowadays. And I know that does not make sense as well. However, that was not that much bad idea because that would help spend time with ease and also helps in getting closer to some friends. But nowadays, some of special friends are busy and some of them do not like me talking with them and even I don't like to chat with some of them. That's why I am restless now. Some friends are online but they hardly reply my texts. However, I do not feel bad about that because I understand them all. And I know it's okay to stop talking to them. And I decided to stay alone talking to myself in these paragraphs.
It's already 10th of Falgun today. I remembered that I had filled up form to appear in the examination of PSC which is going to be held on 26th Falgun. I am sad that I've no profound preparation for that exam. Similarly, our board exam of B.Ed. 3rd year is also coming closer. And don't have preparation for that either. I know I have to get good marks on that exam to pass the bachelor level in first division. For my sadness, I got only 50% in second year. And that result is still haunting me. I have to give my more time for my course books in order to increase in my percentage.
Another task remaining is that I have still not developed consistent reading habit. I have planned to read more books but I am still unable to stay committed to that plan. However, I will try my best to provide more time for the written books.
If I was above 21 years old, I would get chance to go to Norway as a Red Cross Volunteer. But for my unlucky I am just 19 years old now. I am sad about that too. But I know it's okay. In two years time from now on, I will complete my study of bachelor level. Only after then, I can think of some plans myself and I can decide whether it's good to keep on studying next level or go to some foreign countries for my own sake. It may be situational. However, I have to master over English language more and more.
I have to have mastery over English vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and use. Some books written by native writer of English are very difficult to understand for us. However, if we keep on exposing ourselves to such books, we can surely understand any comprehensive texts in the future.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Life is Beautiful

I believe 'Life is really beautiful' for those who believe that 'Life is beautiful. It is just a angle of looking at life. It's just about how we perceive this life. Is it really beautiful ? Or has some people taken it for granted? 
Life is beautiful because it's amazing.
I am amazed and surprised to live this life. Life has some mystery to be unfolded when we keep on living. We don't know what is gonna land on us in the future. We are totally helpless about our own life. I mean we have little control over whatever happens to us in the future. You are working hard and still not 100% sure about your result. You are living but not sure which day is your last day on this planet. You are walking and don't know where you are reaching. You don't know where were you before coming as an infant in your mother's womb. And you don't know what's gonna happen to you after you die tomorrow. Then, imagine how strange and magical this life is.
Life is beautiful because it's a dream.
Yes. You believe it or not, life is just a dream. If not, let's dive into an possible imagination:
Let's just say, you are an alone boy somewhere in a new planet, totally new and you don't know anybody or anything there. You accidentally found yourself there in the middle of endless desert in the midday walking continuously toward nowhere but walking slowly because you are feeling very much tired. And your eyes are going to be shut down gradually. But your feet never stop moving: left after right after left...You don't have water to drink, food to eat. The sun is shining bright against your eyes. You can't continue by opening your eyes. You closed your eyes but you are moving your feet restlessly. Your feet also have lost senses. It means you don't know how tall you are or what kinda shoes you had put on. Gradually and gradually, you forget everything. You are losing your senses. You feel like you are falling in deep sleep by forgetting everything around you and or even yourself.
After some months...Now, You are feeling like you are back. You are starting to feel something: ease sometimes, difficulty sometimes. You have forgotten everything about the past. You are just a beginning of everything. You are just a new form derived naturally in the new environment. You are a new bud. You are a new creature. You are a new infant, totally new and have no experiences of living. There is nothing known to you. You are an empty infant just appeared because of interaction between some elements in the nature
Just like a new bud starts blossoming, you started to grow more to feel more, know more. It was the first day, when you were able to express your feeling about difficulty in breathing or living by producing noise or by crying with all effort you had and it was the day when you were first introduced to the new environment of this planet. It was new that's why difficult situation for you to adjust that's why you cried.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Everything Can't Be Shared

"Sharing is Caring." sounds cool. But in fact, there's always something inside our head that can't be unwrapped and expose to the world. All different people have their own stories and personal feelings going on in their head. We all have that individual property. When we ask someone, "Hey, are you sharing everything with me?" He or she may give their big "YES". But in actuality, they keep hiding something from us. We will figure out some miraculous thing once in life that all griefs and sorrows or feelings can't be shared completely with anyone else no matter how close they are to us.
People never are interested in other people's concerns. 
What I mean by this statement is that nobody is interested in other people more than in himself or herself. Most people only care themselves. May be it's the result of constant teaching by this selfish world. If people would enjoy caring about other people just like they care themselves, SELFIE wouldn't be invented for sure. It's because all people have something in common and from that common thing they can establish good rapport or love and understanding between them. But even we never think of that common thing and struggle hard for something unattainable. 
When we reach in a new place full of strangers around us, for example, we do not socialize with them or we never think of the things those strangers and we have in common. May be that would help us face new and difficult situation out there. But we rather miss someone known to us and who are far from us and feel lost or suffer from nostalgia. That means we never live in the moment. We prefer missing our past or worrying our future and we prefer to be unhappy because, as we know, the thinking about past or future give us nothing more than bad feelings, unhappiness, griefs, and many negative motives that enable us to delve into dark side of life. Coming to point, People never are interested in people like themselves. They only care about who are close to them or who provide them with love, respect and more favors. But as a matter of fact, all people, even strangers or from anywhere else can give us love and affection. We never think about it, and stay closed. That's why we keep things to ourselves. We only care who care us and who are around us. That proves us selfish. And we find no point in sharing things with strangers.
Similarly, we are never a good listener.
Sharing means speaking out and listening in . There are mostly two types of people: extrovert and introvert. Extrovert people are expert in vomiting all their feelings but they are never a good listener. They just speak and speak and when their audience have time to talk he or she may be brain storming about something to talk next in his or her turn rather than paying attention to what remarks is the audience making. So, when two extroverted people met, they seem clamorous to other people, both extremely voluble. And on the other hand, introverted people, are secrets themselves. Even their close friends can't figure them out. They are taciturn. Even they can't listen fully to others because they are per-occupied with their own internal atmosphere. So, if you are not listener, you can't be someone with fair ability to share everything completely with mates.

Monday, February 5, 2018



भित्र, म भित्र
मेरो मुटुको अर्थात्
मेरो जीन्दगीको सबैभन्दा नजीक
जहां निरन्तर,
म चलुं या ढलुं
पुग्दै फर्कंदै गरीरहन्छ यो हावा

जांदा एउटा आभाष लेर जान्छ
जो त्यहां आजपनि उसरी नै टहल्दैछ
मलाई ब्युंझाउंदै तर्साउंदै
जसरी हावा मभित्र दौडधुप गर्छ
हो त्यसैको
जांदा नसुनिने;
कहिल्यै नसुनिएको आवाज लेर जान्छ

लगत्तै केही आत्तिन्छन्;
मात्तिन्छन्; तात्तिन्छन्;
जो एक्लै दुनियां सामु
आज बीच मण्डपमा मञ्चित छिन्
ठीक उसैलाई
आफ्नै गोरेटोमा हराएकी देख्दा
रगत खुसी भै दौडिन्छ
त्यही रगतमा मन पौडिन्छ
जति चालेनि डुब्छ तर मर्दैन
हो मन मर्दैन

सबै त्यहीं हुन्छ
हुनसक्ने र हुने
त्यहीबेला हुन्छ
जब सबै निस्किन्छ
जो भित्रबाट, म भित्रबाट
मेरो मुटुको अर्थात्...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

तिमी मलाई केही नदेऊ

तिमी मलाई केही नदेऊ
माया नदेऊ
याद नदेऊ
यति तिमीसँग मैले लिन मिल्ने केही छ भने
त्यो नदेऊ ।

मैले आज एउटा बहुमूल्य चीज पाएको थिएँ
जसको मालिक म हुन पाएपछि मलाई केही चाहिएन
र म बडो जतनका साथ
आफ्ना हातका
मुठ्ठीमा च्याप्प समातेर बसीरहेँ
र मलाई त्यसले धेरै धेरै माथि उचालिरहेको थियो
त्यसैबेला कुनै सानो कारणवश:
म झल्याँस्स ब्युझिएँ
त्यसपछि अर्धचेतन भई धेरैबेरसम्म प्रार्थना गरीरहेँ ।

हे भगवान !
हालसालै जुन भूकम्प गयो
मलाई थाहा छैन
त्यसको असर मेरो कुन हिस्सामा पर्यो ?
छाती भासियो ?
कि नाक काटियो कि ?
टाउको चेप्टियो कि ?
या निधार चर्कियो !
अहो ! मलाई जे सुकै भएको होस्
तर मेरो मुठ्ठीमा रहेको त्यो चीज सकुशल रहेको खबर सुन्न पाऊँ ।
तर बिडम्बना !
म ब्युँझिएपनि मेरा मुठीहरु
कडासँग च्यापिएको थियो
तर त्यसभित्र त्यो बहुमुल्य चीज थिएन ।

यो के भयो ?
म जिन्दगीको बारेमा यति धेरै गम्भिर थिएँ
कति दौडिएँ
चिन्तित भएँ
र बल्लबल्ल त्यो दुःखको फल मिलेको थियो
अनि केही समयपछि महसुस भयो
त्यो एउटा सपना थियो ।
र म ज्यादै दुःखी भएँ ।
अझैसम्म पनि यो मन एक ढिक्कामा जमीरहेछ ।

के त्यो एउटा सपना मात्रै थियो ?
त्यसको बिपनासँग कुनै लेनदेन हुँदैन ?
के म अझै सपनामै छु ?
हुन त
शायद म सपनामा निदाएँको थिएँ
र सपनामै ब्युझिएँको छु
अब यो सपनाबाट पनि ब्युँझिनु छ
तिमी मलाई केही नदेऊ

यदि दियौ भने
फेरी म केही समयपछि ब्युँझिनेछु
र प्रार्थना गर्नेछु
हे भगवान !
म मरेपनि उनले दिएको केही मसँग होस् ।
तर बिडम्बना !
म ब्युँझिदा मेरा मुठ्ठीहरु जतिसुकै
कडासँग च्यापिएको भएपनि
सपनामा जतनसँग च्यापेको तिम्रो याद
त्यस मुठ्ठीभित्र हुनेछैन

म फेरी अर्कोपटक पनि मूर्ख साबित हुने छु ।
र झन् दोधारमा पर्नेछु
कि अहिले म सपनामा छु या बिपनामा !

त्यसैले तिमी मलाई केही नदेऊ !
माया नदेऊ
याद नदेऊ
यति तिमीसँग मैले लिन मिल्ने केही छ भने
त्यो नदेऊ ।

Saturday, January 13, 2018

पाैष २९, २०७४ जनवरी १३ २०१८

#शार्दूलविक्रिडित #प्रयास
मान्छेकाे अहिले विवेक सकियाे, हेरेर खै के गरूँ
जे लाग्याे मनमा त्यसै गरिदिए, देखेर खै के लेखुँ
नाङ्गाे हिँड्दछ अाज मानिसहरू, भन्दै छ गर्मी अति
अाफ्नाे संस्कृति मूल्य ख्याल नगरी, बिर्सन्छ देशी जति ।१।

नेता, लेखक, पत्रकार, जनता सारा गफाडी पनि
अाफैँ चाेर समाजकाे नजरमा अाफैँ महात्मा बनी
मान्दाहुन् जन सर्बश्रेष्ठ युगकाे, अाफू स्वयम् भूपति
लाग्दैछन् पथमा सदा गतलकाे, निर्लज्ज हुन्छन् अति ।२।

सुन्दैनन् गुरूवर्ग मान्यहरूकाे, अाफैँ बडा साेच्दछ
सम्झाए प्रतिकार गर्दछ त्यसै,

पूजा मिलेरै गराैँ
#शार्दूलविक्रिडित #प्रयास

पूजा गर्छ कुनै मनुष्य बिचरा, देख्दा कतै मूर्तिकाे
अर्काेले अपमान गर्छ सहजै भन्दै महाचाेर याे
ढुङ्गा जाे उभिर्इ तटस्थ पथमा, निर्जीव झैँ बस्दछ
पूजिन्छन् कहिले कतै नयनमा धूलाे बनी पस्दछ ।१।

मान्छे हुन् कसरी निकै फरक भाे, जाती तथा धर्म ती
बुझ्दैनन् तिनले सबै धरतीका, हुन् एउटै सन्तति
के हाेला झगडा गरे सबजना, मारेर मान्छे सयाैँ
याैटै हुन् भगवान् कतैतिर भए, पूजा मिलेरै गराैँ ।२।

Thursday, January 11, 2018

पौष २०७४ २७ 11 January 2018 बिहिबार दशमी, कृष्ण पक्ष पृथ्वी जयन्ती राष्ट्रिय एकता दिवस

अाज फेरी एक्कासी केही अर्थहीन कुराहरू लेख्न मन लाग्याे । यही जिन्दगीकाे बारे, अाफ्नै बारे, अनि अरू भावनाहरू सम्बन्धमा ।
मानव अस्तित्व, विचार, धर्म, साहित्य, भाषा, कला,विज्ञान, दर्शन, शिक्षा, जनजीवन जतिपनि शब्दहरूकाे जन्म भयाे, याे खासै कुनै नाैलाे या अचम्मकाे कुरा देखिँदैन । किनकि याे सबै मानिसकाे तपस्या र विद्याकाे देन हाे । यिनीहरू सजिलै बन्ने कुरा त हाेइनन् यद्यपि मानिसकाे लागि त्याे ठूलाे कुरा पनि रहेनः गाँस, बास, कपास जस्ताे मात्रै त हाे । जाे सदा चिन्तन गर्छ र अाफूलार्इ संगीतकाे लयमा लिप्त राख्छ, उसैले नयाँ नयाँ संगीतकाे अाविस्कार गर्छ र संसार नै संगीतमय तुल्याउन सक्छ, त्यस्तै बुझाइ, विद्या र तपस्याकाे संयाेगबाट जस्ताेसुकै विज्ञान पनि अाविस्कार गरेर विश्वव्यापी रूपमा सर्वस्वीकार्य बनाउन पनि सकिन्छ । याे पनि खासै ठूलाे कुराे हाेइन । अझ कुनै मानवीय दृष्टिकाेणबाट हेर्ने हाे भने बाइबल या कुरान या कुनै पनि धर्म शास्त्रहरू समेत कुनै मानिसकाे सच्चा विद्याकाे उपज नै हाे भन्न सकिन्छ । हुन सक्छ कुनै ज्यादै विवेकी तथा शिक्षित मानवले नै ती धर्मग्रन्थहरू स्वयं अाफ्नै साेच्ने शक्तिकाे प्रयाेग गरी लेखेर कुनै विषेश तत्वद्वारा प्रभावित् भर्इ अाफ्नै परिचय नखुलार्इकन भगवान भन्ने बाह्य तत्वकाे सिर्जना गरी त्यसमा विश्वास गरी त्यसैमा लिप्त रही सँधै अाफ्नै कर्मलार्इ पनि त्यसै बाह्य तत्वकाे देन ठानेर हरेक समय पुज्ने र विश्वास गर्ने तथा अारधना गरी मानिससामू भ्रमकाे खेती गरेकाे हुन सक्छ । जाे मानिसले भगवान बनाउन सक्याे, त्यसलार्इ भगवान मान्न पनि सकिन्छ किनकि हामीजस्ता अरू सीधासाधा तथा सामान्य मानिस जाे अाफैँमा कुनै किसिमकाे सिर्जनाशक्ति हुँदैन या कुनै किसिमकाे विद्याप्रतिकाे जागरण, इच्छा, अाकाङ्क्षाा हुँदैन तिनीहरू सदैव भगवान सिर्जना गर्न सक्ने मानिसहरूकाे कुरामा विश्वास गर्छ र त्यसैअनुसार भूत छ भने छ छैन भने छैन भन्ने मानेर जीवन व्यतीत गर्दछन् । कुनै समय थियाे, ज्ञानहरूले स्वतः स्फूर्त रूपमा तपस्वी मानिसहरूकाे अात्मामा जन्म लिन्थ्याे र ती मानिसहरूले भगवानकाे सिर्जना गर्न सक्थे । तर अहिले एउटा स्वच्छ सादा बालकलार्इ विद्यालयमा पठाइन्छ, र सबै तयारी ज्ञानहरूकाे समर्थक बनाइन्छ । जसकारण उनीहरूले कहिल्यै सच्चा अात्मीय ज्ञान प्राप्त गर्न सक्दैनन् । सबै कुराहरू शुरूमा नै परिभाषित भइसकेकाे छ त्यसैले कुनै बालकले थप साेच र चिन्तन नगरी त्यही ज्ञानलार्इ सर्बाेच्च मानेर स्थिर जीवनयापन गर्दछ । त्यसैले याे भन्न सकिन्छ कि विद्यालय या समाजमा हुर्कने बालक कहिल्यै रचनात्मक हुन सक्दैन र सिर्जनाशक्ति लाेप भएर जान्छ । र तिनीहरू सँधै सामान्य मानिस रहन्छन्, एकदिन याे संसारबाट अलप हुन्छ । काेही मानिसहरू यतिसम्म पनि जमिसकेका हुन्छन् कि तिनीहरू अरूकाे कुरा मान्छन् र नमान्नेहरू स्वतः तिनीहरूकाे दुष्मण बन्न पुग्दछ । उनीहरू के साेच्छन् भने हजाराैँ वर्षदेखि अरबाैँ मानिसले एउटा असत्यलार्इ सत्य मानिरहेकाे छ भने त्याे सत्यलार्इ समयकाे हरेक घडीमा सबैले पत्याउनुपर्छ । तर वास्तविक रूपमा भन्नुपर्दा ती मानिस सबै मैले भन्नेगरेकाे सामान्य मानिस हुन् जाे रचनात्मक या सिर्जनात्मक छैन । हुन सक्छ अहिलेकाे शब्दकाेषमा लेखिएकाे सिर्जनात्मकताकाे परिभाषा अहिलेका सबैजसाे मानिसकाे विशेषतासँग मिल्छ तर वास्तवमा त्याे सिर्जनात्मकताकाे परिभाषा नै सिर्जनात्मक छैन । अहिले सबैजसाे शब्दहरूकाे परिभाषामा सिर्जनात्मकता छैन किनभने त्याे कुनै समयमा कुनै भगवान सिर्जना गर्न सक्ने मानिसले दिएकाे परिभाषा हाे तर बिडम्बना के छ भने त्यसैलार्इ सबैले लिन्छन् । यसमा पनि हामीहरू चिन्तित् हुनुपर्ने विषय छैन किनकि ज्यादै थाेरै मानिसहरू मात्रै सिर्जनात्मक हुन्छन् । जाे सबै मानिसहरूभन्दा फरक हुन्छन् । वर्तमान विश्वमा भने त्यस्ताे मानिस नहुन पनि सक्छ किनकि अहिले सबै वालवालिका हरू विद्यालय जान्छन् र सानै उमेरदेखि कुशिक्षित भर्इ सबै गलत धारणाहरू थाहै नपार्इ सही ठानिसकेका हुन्छन् र कहिल्यै परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दैनन्र । 

Friday, August 25, 2017

अालाेचना नगराैं, स्वस्थ जीवन जीअाैं

(पढ्नुहाेस् र मनपरे शेयर गर्नुहाेस्)
अालाेचना नगराैं, स्वस्थ जीवन जीअाैं
मानिसले गर्ने सबैभन्दा नीच काम भनेको अर्को मानिसको आलोचना गर्नु हो । आलोचना नगरी बस्न सकिन्न भन्ने कुरा पनि मष्तिष्कमा आउन सक्छ तर यो नराम्रो बानी हो र यसलाई एक विद्ध्वान, शिक्षित, बुझ्ने व्यक्तिले आफुमाथि गर्व गर्नु अगाडी सबैभन्दा पहिले कुनैपनि हालतमा हटाउनु पर्छ, हटाउन सकिन्छ पनि । त्यसको लागि आफूले आलोचना गर्ने मान्छेको परिस्थिति बुझ्न जरुरी छ । कोही मान्छे नराम्रो छ भने ऊ नराम्रो हुनुको पछाडी कारण छ, त्यो कारण बुझ्न सकिएमा त्यो मान्छे नराम्रो लाग्दैन । तर जब त्यो कारण हामीलाई थाहा हुंदैन आलोचना त हजारौं उम्रीहाल्छ मनमा । तर त्यो पोख्नुभन्दा पहिले सोच्नु जरूरी छ । मानिस सबै जीन्दगीको दौडधुपमा छन्, म जस्तै, तिमी जस्तै । दौडधुपको क्रममा जस्तोसुकै संयोग आईपर्न सक्छ ।
संयोग राम्रो भयो भने नसोचेको ठाउंमा नसोचेको घनीष्ट साथी भेट हुन्छ खुसी हुन्छौं अंगाल्छौं, मरीसकेको मान्छे बांच्छ खूसीको आंसु बगाउंछौं, एकाएक चिट्ठा पर्छ हिजोको मगन्ते रातारात करोडपति बन्छ जीन्दगी बदलिन्छ । यी संयोग बांचीरहेका मानिस जोसुकैको जीवनमा आउन सक्छ । तर नराम्रा संयोग पनि आईपर्न सक्छ, त्यसको भागीदार पनि हुनैपर्छ हामी । यो संयोग हो भनेर बुझ्न सके मात्रै पनि जीन्दगीलाई भिन्न आंखाबाट हेरेर हरेक परिस्थितिमा शिक्षित ढंगले प्रतिक्रिया दिन सकिन्छ । तर नराम्रो संयोगमा हामी देख्न सक्छौं, कोही आलोचित हुन्छन् कोहि आलोचना गर्छन्, यो स्वभाविक हो । तर हामी किन अरूको आलोचना गरेर आफ्नो बिद्यालय वा क्याम्पसले दिएको सर्टीफीकेटको बदर गरेर भीडको सामु आफुलाई असभ्य, अशिक्षित साबित गर्नुपर्यो र ! यसको बारेमा सोच्न जरुरी छ । आफ्नै सुरमा हिंडिरहेको बेला हो, एउटा कार आएर हिलो छ्यापेर दौडिन सक्छ, जस्तोसुकै मान्छे पनि पेट्राेल नै छ्यापेजस्ताे बल्न थाल्छ, कोही आन्द्रा निचोरेर दिमागमा भएजति सबै नराम्रा शब्दहरु त्यहीं सडकमा खन्याएर जान्छन्, कोही मनमनै त्यो कारको नराम्रो चिताएर तपस्या गर्न थाल्छन् कसैले त अझ आफैंलाई धिक्कारेर सराप्न समेत भ्याउंछन्, कसैको मनमा त बदलाको भावनाले पनि आफैंबिरुद्द आन्दोलन गरिरहन्छ । तर यी सब कुराले नै मान्छेलाई अश्वस्त बनाऊंछ र कुनै न कुनै तवरले अप्रत्यक्ष रुपमा आयु घटाईरहेको हुन्छ । यो के हो आखिर ? यो सानो दोहोरिरहने नराम्रो संयोगको उदाहरण मात्रै हो । यसलाई बुझेर यस्ता घटना आईपर्दा सामान्य प्रतिक्रिया दिन सकिन्छ । कारको ड्राईभरलाई सराप्नु अगाडी उसको ठाउंमा बसेर सोच्ने गरौं न ।
कारमा कोही अकालसंग लडीरहेको पनि हुनसक्छ, ड्राईभरलाई मालिकले बिहानै उसको समस्या नबुझिदिएर बेकार गाली गरेको भएर उ रिसले चुर भएको पनि हुनसक्छ, उसको परिवारमा कुनै दुर्घटना भएरै पो दोडाएको थियो कि यस्तै उस्को जीवनमा नराम्रो दिन भएको हुनसक्छ, त्यो नभएपनि त शायद उसले अगाडी ट्राफिकलाई ध्यान दिंदा हिलो नदेखेको हुन सक्छ अथवा मान्छेलाई नदेखेको पो हो की मजाको लागि अर्कालाई हिलो त नछ्याप्नुपर्ने हो । हुन त कहिलेकाहीं हामी पनि जानीजानी हेपेर, वा मनोरन्जनका लागि अरुलाई हिलो छ्याप्छौं, त्यसको बदलामा हामी नराम्ररी सरापिन्छौं हामीले ख्याल नगरेका पनि हुन सक्छौं । जब हामीलाई थाहा हुंदैन हामीलाई कुनै प्रभाब पर्दैन भने अरूले नसुन्ने गरेर सराप्नु त महामूर्खता हो हाम्रो । त्यसैले आलोचनाले हामीलाई कुनैपनि तवरले फाईदा गर्दैन, त्यै माथि जस्तोसुकै परिस्थितिलाई बुझ्न सकेमा आलोचना गर्ने मानसिकता नै कहां आउंछ र ! हामी त्यो ड्राईभरको ठाउंमा र त्यो ड्राईभर हाम्रो ठाउंमा भएको भएपनि हिलो छ्यापिन्थ्यो ऊ नबुझेर रिसले मुर्मुरिएर गाली गर्थ्यो तर भाग्य भनुं त्यो भैदिएन र रिसलाई जन्माउने या नजन्माउने हाम्रो बशमा भैदियो । हामीले मौका पायौं आफूलाई चेतनशील प्राणीको संज्ञा दिने । यसकाे बारेमा साेचाैं न ।
(पढ्नुहाेस् र मनपरे शेयर गर्नुहाेस्)
अालाेचना नगराैं, स्वस्थ जीवन जीअाैं

Sunday, July 30, 2017

People I met on internet

Whenever I've free time, I love searching for people. I love to meet public people on the internet. I've subscribed channels of many online couches, trainers, influential writers, movement actors and so on and on. That is why my email is filled with new newsletters, videos, eBooks, and other reading materials on a daily basis. 
Here is a list of people whom I met myself on the internet and whose life has motivated, inspired and influenced my life a lot. They have made a deep impression in my mind that I will not forget their name in my life.
1. Brendon Burchard:
Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard is the world’s leading high performance coach, the most requested motivational speaker of his generation, and one of the most-watched, quoted and followed personal development trainers in history. He is also in the Top 100 Most Followed Public Figures on Facebook, with over 10 million fans across his pages, and the star of the web’s most shared personal development videos (now over 100 million views).
2. Adam Braun: 
Adam Braun

Adam Braun is a New York Times bestselling author and the Founder & CEO of MissionU. He was previously Founder & CEO of Pencils of Promise, the award-winning organization that has built nearly 400 schools around the world.
He has been featured as a speaker at The White House, the United Nations and the Clinton Global Initiative. He has also been named to Business Insider’s 40 Under 40, Wired Magazine‘s 50 People Who Are Changing the Worldand was selected as one of the World Economic Forum’s original ten Global Shapers.
3. Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Dr. Shefali is a world-renowned clinical psychologist who received her doctorate from Columbia University, New York.
She specializes in the integration of Eastern philosophy and Western psychology, making her an expert in her field. Her message has the potential to change people’s lives for generations to come.
You can schedule a private session to see her in her NYC office or schedule a coaching session on SKYPE/phone.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Do we have a choice to be happy or not? - Quora

We have a choice. But we must be positive. We have to have broad understanding and high thinking along with simple living.

And most importantly, we must not be affected by any earthly happenings that is natural.

Just we must posses that level of emotional mastery and philosophical thought that can help us deal with any kind of sad moment in life.

Happiness depends upon our thinking. I am happy because I know the ultimate destination of life very well. I have no anger, no enmity, no jealousy, no mimicry. Because I know that has nothing to do in my life and after my life.

Everybody wanta to be important, popular, differet, talented, succedded…and so on and on.

And if they can not achieve their dreams or become the person they want, they become unhappy. But they never become happy because of what they can accomplish or be. And it’s what I think neccesary. We have to have that level of vision or understanding that all these popularity, prosperity all go in vanity after all.

Even the people who topped the world in the history are no more in existence. They can not feel anything for succedding in their lives anymore. And what? We will also reach there one day. And we have to have the perception of that level right now. That does not mean we have to stay dead from now on. I think our life must have influence. And we just have to live happily trying to make others happy.

How can I be happy all days? -Quora

Question by Quora
Answer by Lawong 

Happiness is something that depends upon from where you look at yourself, the people around you and the world as a whole rather than depending upon where you are standing.

It means happiness is the product of your thinking. First and foremost, we must think of being happy Your perception about things determines your own happiness.

My simple suggestion for you to be happy is just get out of that narrow room from where you are viewing everything. You have to have that much broad perception about things.

Another point is we must be positive. Anger, hatred, jealosy, mimicry make us negative and that never allow us to generate spiritual happiness within us.

As Dr. Shefali Tsabery said, we must perceive things as happening for us not happening to us.

Another thing for happiness is that we must understand that life is collection of short term things i.e. all these adversities, sorrows, griefs are temporary.