"Sharing is Caring." sounds cool. But in fact, there's always something inside our head that can't be unwrapped and expose to the world. All different people have their own stories and personal feelings going on in their head. We all have that individual property. When we ask someone, "Hey, are you sharing everything with me?" He or she may give their big "YES". But in actuality, they keep hiding something from us. We will figure out some miraculous thing once in life that all griefs and sorrows or feelings can't be shared completely with anyone else no matter how close they are to us.
People never are interested in other people's concerns.
What I mean by this statement is that nobody is interested in other people more than in himself or herself. Most people only care themselves. May be it's the result of constant teaching by this selfish world. If people would enjoy caring about other people just like they care themselves, SELFIE wouldn't be invented for sure. It's because all people have something in common and from that common thing they can establish good rapport or love and understanding between them. But even we never think of that common thing and struggle hard for something unattainable.
When we reach in a new place full of strangers around us, for example, we do not socialize with them or we never think of the things those strangers and we have in common. May be that would help us face new and difficult situation out there. But we rather miss someone known to us and who are far from us and feel lost or suffer from nostalgia. That means we never live in the moment. We prefer missing our past or worrying our future and we prefer to be unhappy because, as we know, the thinking about past or future give us nothing more than bad feelings, unhappiness, griefs, and many negative motives that enable us to delve into dark side of life. Coming to point, People never are interested in people like themselves. They only care about who are close to them or who provide them with love, respect and more favors. But as a matter of fact, all people, even strangers or from anywhere else can give us love and affection. We never think about it, and stay closed. That's why we keep things to ourselves. We only care who care us and who are around us. That proves us selfish. And we find no point in sharing things with strangers.
Similarly, we are never a good listener.
Sharing means speaking out and listening in . There are mostly two types of people: extrovert and introvert. Extrovert people are expert in vomiting all their feelings but they are never a good listener. They just speak and speak and when their audience have time to talk he or she may be brain storming about something to talk next in his or her turn rather than paying attention to what remarks is the audience making. So, when two extroverted people met, they seem clamorous to other people, both extremely voluble. And on the other hand, introverted people, are secrets themselves. Even their close friends can't figure them out. They are taciturn. Even they can't listen fully to others because they are per-occupied with their own internal atmosphere. So, if you are not listener, you can't be someone with fair ability to share everything completely with mates.
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