Saturday, February 24, 2018

संस्कार हाम्राे मनमा बस्छ मेटेर मेटिन्न ।

निकुञ्ज अभ्यासमाला ८० औँ शृङ्खला 
 छन्द - झ्याउरे (लोकलय) 
अक्षर - ३+२/३+२/३+३ = १६ 
विश्राम - पञ्चम, दशम र अन्तिममा । 
समस्या - संस्कार हाम्राे मनमा बस्छ मेटेर मेटिन्न ।

झुक्दछन् शिर नेपाली टाेपी माथमा नभए
अात्मामा अाफ्नै इज्जत हुन्न सत्कर्म नगरे
काटेर अाफैँ अरुकाे पूजा सत्कार गरिन्न
संस्कार हाम्राे मनमा बस्छ मेटेर मेटिन्न ।

काेपिला सुके फुल्दैन फेरि पालुवा लागेर
नेपाली कहाँ नेपाली हुन्छाैँ नेपाल भूलेर ?
पुर्खाले हाम्राे लेखेकाे जस्ताे लेखेर लेखिन्न
संस्कार हाम्राे मनमा बस्छ मेटेर मेटिन्न ।
- विजय तामाङ

सम्भावना देखियाे

दाेस्ताना अब एेतिहासिक बन्याे धेरै पुरानाे भयाे
बेला माैसम लाग्छ याे समय नै बेमाैसमी वैलियाे
उत्साही तटमा सबै मनमनै बग्दै थियाैँ छाल झैँ
एकाएक अथाह भै बदलियाे अाकाश तत्काल नै ।१।

चिन्तामा किन माैन छाैँ सबजना काेही नमर्दा पनि
भावातीत यहाँ नवीन घटना केही नघट्दा पनि
मायाकाे अनुमान मात्र गरियाे अाधार पाएँ जब
साेच्थेँ सुन्दर जिन्दगी हरघडी बाँच्नेछु साथीसँग ।२।

बाेल्दा सुध्रिन सक्छ हालत दशा सारा समस्याहरू
बढ्ता बिग्रिन सक्छ माैन रहँदा सम्बन्ध बाँकी बरु
के चल्दैछ दिमागमा मनुजकाे बुझ्नै नसक्ने भयाे
के गर्थेँ जब साथमा नरहने सम्भावना देखियाे ? ।३।

एेना बाेल्छ खिस्याउने नजरले एक्लै नबाेल्दा पनि
खै तेराे सब मित्रता मरिगयाे हाँस्दैछ यस्ताे भनी ।३।

अाफ्नै मानिस हाैँ सबै भन कता कस्ले सुनायाे कुरा

मैले बुझ्न नस गल्ती गरेकाे भए
माफी मलार्इ दिनु
बाँच्ने जुक्ति कुनै नयाँ मगजमा  अाएन जस्तै गरी
झर्नामा बहने प्रशस्त जल झैँ झर्छन् विनाकारण
मेराे सामु यताउता नगर है त्याे शब्द उच्चारण
शैलीमा बाँच्दै कुनै यादमा

Friday, February 23, 2018

अचम्मकाे छ जिन्दगी

निकुञ्ज अभ्यासमाला ७९ औँ शृङ्खला
छन्द - पञ्चचामर गण - ज र ज र ज गु 
गणसङ्केत - ISI SIS ISI SIS ISI S 
विषय - जिन्दगी । 

समुन्द्र पुग्ने लक्ष्य हाे नदीजसाे निरन्तर
व्यथाहरू अथाह छन्  कुनै हिसाब हुन्छ र ?
हटाउँछन् यदाकदा गरी प्रयाेग अाेखती
पुरा विचार हुन्न है अचम्मकाे छ जिन्दगी ।

भुलेर स्वर्गसम्मकाे उडान एकचाेटि हाे
गरेर व्यर्थ सामना असङ्ख्य राेगव्याधिकाे
प्रशस्त साल बाँचियाे रहस्य गाेप्य तैपनि
 यथार्थ हाे कि कल्पना अचम्मकाे छ जिन्दगी ।

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Restless Thursday Evening

Feeling totally restless today. The reason may be that I am alone in my room today with a laptop and a smart phone. I spent whole hour from 8 pm to 9 pm trying to compose few stanzas of a poem. It was being a part of my daily routine anyway. After 9 pm, I played 8 ball pool restlessly for few minutes and now I am free. I do not prefer to stay online and chat with some best friends like I used to do. That does not sound good for me nowadays. And I know that does not make sense as well. However, that was not that much bad idea because that would help spend time with ease and also helps in getting closer to some friends. But nowadays, some of special friends are busy and some of them do not like me talking with them and even I don't like to chat with some of them. That's why I am restless now. Some friends are online but they hardly reply my texts. However, I do not feel bad about that because I understand them all. And I know it's okay to stop talking to them. And I decided to stay alone talking to myself in these paragraphs.
It's already 10th of Falgun today. I remembered that I had filled up form to appear in the examination of PSC which is going to be held on 26th Falgun. I am sad that I've no profound preparation for that exam. Similarly, our board exam of B.Ed. 3rd year is also coming closer. And don't have preparation for that either. I know I have to get good marks on that exam to pass the bachelor level in first division. For my sadness, I got only 50% in second year. And that result is still haunting me. I have to give my more time for my course books in order to increase in my percentage.
Another task remaining is that I have still not developed consistent reading habit. I have planned to read more books but I am still unable to stay committed to that plan. However, I will try my best to provide more time for the written books.
If I was above 21 years old, I would get chance to go to Norway as a Red Cross Volunteer. But for my unlucky I am just 19 years old now. I am sad about that too. But I know it's okay. In two years time from now on, I will complete my study of bachelor level. Only after then, I can think of some plans myself and I can decide whether it's good to keep on studying next level or go to some foreign countries for my own sake. It may be situational. However, I have to master over English language more and more.
I have to have mastery over English vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and use. Some books written by native writer of English are very difficult to understand for us. However, if we keep on exposing ourselves to such books, we can surely understand any comprehensive texts in the future.

सुवास शान्तिको छरौँ म देशको कुना कुना

निकुञ्ज अभ्यासमाला ७८ औँ शृङ्खला
छन्द - पञ्चचामर 
गण - ज र ज र ज गु 
गणसङ्केत - ISI SIS ISI SIS ISI 

म माथि माथि चन्द्रमा सँधै छुने प्रयासमा
उचाल्छु पाइला यहाँ सदैव अग्रपङ्तिमा
प्रसन्न चित्त देवकाे  गरी सदा उपासना 
सुवास शान्तिको छरौँ म देशको कुना कुना

जय हाेस् ।


सदा अथाह मित्रता रहाेस् छ धेर कामना
उचाल्छु पाइला अथाह अग्रपङ्तिमा सँधै
प्रसन्न चित्त देवकाे  गरी सदा उपासना
सुवास शान्तिको छरौँ म देशको कुना कुना

मुसुक्क हाँस्छु प्रेम गाँस्छु बाँड्छु प्रेरणा यहाँ
सदा अथाह मित्रता रहाेस् छ धेर कामना
उभिन्छु लालसा र लाेभ पापकाे विरूद्धमा
सुवास शान्तिको छरौँ म देशको कुना कुना 

सुवास शान्तिको छरौँ म देशको कुना कुना

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


तिमी चिताऊ सबको भलो होस्
यो देश साझा जनको थलो होस्
सम्बन्ध हामी बिचको सपारौ
सत्भावनाले नमुना बनाऔ

जहाँसुकै होस् सुरुवात कर्म
छ अन्त्य योटै अमरावतीमा
आलोक छर्दै घर दिव्य पारौ
सत्भावनाले नमुना बनाऔ
- विजय तामाङ

Life is Beautiful

I believe 'Life is really beautiful' for those who believe that 'Life is beautiful. It is just a angle of looking at life. It's just about how we perceive this life. Is it really beautiful ? Or has some people taken it for granted? 
Life is beautiful because it's amazing.
I am amazed and surprised to live this life. Life has some mystery to be unfolded when we keep on living. We don't know what is gonna land on us in the future. We are totally helpless about our own life. I mean we have little control over whatever happens to us in the future. You are working hard and still not 100% sure about your result. You are living but not sure which day is your last day on this planet. You are walking and don't know where you are reaching. You don't know where were you before coming as an infant in your mother's womb. And you don't know what's gonna happen to you after you die tomorrow. Then, imagine how strange and magical this life is.
Life is beautiful because it's a dream.
Yes. You believe it or not, life is just a dream. If not, let's dive into an possible imagination:
Let's just say, you are an alone boy somewhere in a new planet, totally new and you don't know anybody or anything there. You accidentally found yourself there in the middle of endless desert in the midday walking continuously toward nowhere but walking slowly because you are feeling very much tired. And your eyes are going to be shut down gradually. But your feet never stop moving: left after right after left...You don't have water to drink, food to eat. The sun is shining bright against your eyes. You can't continue by opening your eyes. You closed your eyes but you are moving your feet restlessly. Your feet also have lost senses. It means you don't know how tall you are or what kinda shoes you had put on. Gradually and gradually, you forget everything. You are losing your senses. You feel like you are falling in deep sleep by forgetting everything around you and or even yourself.
After some months...Now, You are feeling like you are back. You are starting to feel something: ease sometimes, difficulty sometimes. You have forgotten everything about the past. You are just a beginning of everything. You are just a new form derived naturally in the new environment. You are a new bud. You are a new creature. You are a new infant, totally new and have no experiences of living. There is nothing known to you. You are an empty infant just appeared because of interaction between some elements in the nature
Just like a new bud starts blossoming, you started to grow more to feel more, know more. It was the first day, when you were able to express your feeling about difficulty in breathing or living by producing noise or by crying with all effort you had and it was the day when you were first introduced to the new environment of this planet. It was new that's why difficult situation for you to adjust that's why you cried.